Special Crop Science is one of the traditional study programmes including disciplines that are necessaary for effective production of field crops, vegetables and fruits, sustainable grassland management, and garden and landscape architecture. The study programme deals on different levels with structural and functional questions of crop production, improvement of cultivated crops and development of agricultural landscapes. Courses that focus on biology and growing of field and garden crops, as well as management of non-production areas (ornamental gardening, turf, garden and landscape architecture, genetics and plant breeding, seed science, organic farming, phytoenergetics and others) are taught in individual departments. Students can also enroll on courses important for different cropping technologies such as soil tillage, planting, plant nutrition and crop protection.
Possibilities of employment
- a member or leader of different research groups
- an assistant professor or university lecturer
- in state adiministation,
- a researcher or manager in breding companies
- a manager of agricultural and gardening enterprises
- consultancy
Principal subjects
Crop Production Science, Quality of Plant Products, Molecular Genetics, Cereals, Fodder Crops on Arable Land, Fruit Growing, Vegetable Growing, Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Plant Physiology.